Dr. Catherine Moring, PhD, RDN, LD, BC-ADM, CDCES, MCHES
Executive Director
Dr. Moring is Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management. She is a certified diabetes care and education specialist, a registered and licensed dietitian, and a master certified health education specialist. She has a PhD in health and kinesiology and a Masters in health promotion. She is also a certified Whole30, Ketogenic and Intermittent Fasting Coach. She uses her background and skills to help promote wellness and enable people to reach optimal states of health. She teaches both groups and individuals.
Stephanie Strider
Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor
Stephanie Strider teaches SHiNE group fitness, our most popular group fitness class as well as serves as a personal trainer and ultimate motivator in the gym. She recently started a women on weights class to encourage more women to lift weights and build muscle without being intimidated. She also has a catering and meal prep company where she cooks healthy foods for members and the community.
Deloris Trout, RYT
Yoga Instructor
Deloris is a 200-hour trained registered yoga instructor and teaches yoga for the Wellness Center two days per week. She also teaches at a local church and community center. She is passionate about helping people learn to use movement and the breath to heal their bodies and reach optimal states of health and wellness.
Brady Taylor, RDN, LD
Consulting Dietitian
Brady Taylor is consulting dietitian at the wellness center and nutritional aspects of our programming and teaching. He is also the clinical director for nutrition systems and oversees 30+ dietitians regionally. He is currently the president of the MS Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and won the outstanding dietitian of the year award for 2019.
Jennifer Taylor, RN, CDCES, CPT, SFN
Assistant Director
Jennifer is a registered nurse, certified diabetes care and education specialist, certified personal trainer, specialist in fitness nutrition and certified health coach. She is also a certified Whole30, Ketogenic and Intermittent Fasting Coach. She instructs group fitness classes and teaches both groups and individuals. She is also a health coach and provides individuals with the skills and tools necessary to live their best lives, increase fitness levels and heal from chronic health conditions.
Barbara Green, CPT
Wellness Assistant
Barbara Green is the glue that holds the Wellness Center together! She works at the front desk and will greet you with her joyful attitude and smile when you come to the gym. She will likely be the one to register you and handle any billing issues. She is also a certified personal trainer.
Sassy Mauldin
Wellness Garden Manager
Sassy Mauldin is the Garden Manager for the Wellness Center. She directs our Food as Medicine Food RX Program and raises fresh produce for citizens interested in good healthy vegetables. She is also interested in protecting our honey bees and providing food for our pollinators thus a pollinator garden is a part of the Wellness Garden. Honey, harvested from the garden bees is available for sale at the Wellness Center.
Joe Lindley, CPT
Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor
Joe is a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and wellness assistant. He has a degree in sport and recreation administration from the University of Mississippi. Joe is also on the board of Men United, Inc and is heavily involved with that program for young men ages