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Diabetes Solutions

Diabetes Solutions is the Center's Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Program. It is designed to help individuals with diabetes to better manage the condition, prevent diabetes-related complications and improve health outcomes. The program is virtual and offered vie telephone, FaceTime or Zoom, according to the participants preference. To date, we have helped many people put their diabetes into remission and countless others to get off of insulin, reduce medications, lose weight and significantly lower A1c and other important biomarkers. 



Annual Health and Lifestyle Fair

The Tallahatchie Wellness annual health and lifestyle fair is an annual community event that takes place in the spring each year. It is an incredible opportunity for community members to get a plethora of health screenings (blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, A1c, triglycerides, weight, metabolism, body fat, hearing, vision, depression and more) as well as to receive important health information. Over 30 different vendors attend annually and it is always a well-attended and enjoyable event. Look for more information and the exact date around March each year. Through the screenings each year, we have helped to identify undiagnosed chronic health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension in over 200 people to date and also provide follow-up health care. 



Weight Loss and Management

Many people have a goal of weight loss, sustaining weight loss and/or weight management and in some cases weight gain. Our staff can help you meet your weight goals by working with you in an individually tailored fashion. Our dietitian is available to help you learn to eat right for your body as well as learn which foods you need to limit and in some cases avoid. We can provide meal plans as well. Weight Management Coaching is $50/one-hour session or $175 for 4-sessions.  

REDEFINE - Redefine Your Health, Redefine Your Life

REDEFINE, formally known as the Wellness Challenge, is our longest running and most comprehensive wellness program. It begins in January each year just in time to support you in making and sticking to your health-related goals and ends in late March. REDEFINE includes pre and post biometrics including weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, glucose, A1c, triglycerides, and cholesterol. It includes weekly educational classes offered both in person and online, a private Facebook group, daily group fitness classes and discounts on gym membership, health coaching, and personal training sessions. Outcomes for REDEFINE are quite significant including an average weight loss of 10 pounds per person, three inches lost in waist circumference and significant reductions in A1c, glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Look for information in December of each year. REDEFINE ends with a fantastic finale celebration which includes a group walk, a fabulous, healthy and delicious dinner and awards for all of the winners. 

Fit for Summer

Who doesn't want to be fit for summer - and for life? Join us each year beginning in May as we help you improve your fitness level and provide weekly tips for getting and staying fit. Fit for Summer takes place each year from early May to July. Look for information in April of each year. Prizes are given to all winners. 



Maintain Don't Gain

Maintain don't gain is a holiday wellness challenge that begins in October each year and runs through December. On average, Americans gain 7-10 pounds over the holidays and then spend the better part of the following year trying to lose it. The purpose of this program is to support one another and learn tips and strategies to navigate and ENJOY the holidays without gaining significant amounts of weight. Look for information about Maintain don't gain in September each year. Prizes are given to all winners. 




Personal Training

$30/hour or 8 sessions for $150


Health Coaching and Nutrition Counseling

$50/hour or 4 sessions for $175


Massage Therapy

  • $40 for 30-minutes

  • $70 for 60 -minutes

  • $100 for 90-minutes


Please call the Wellness Center at 662-625-7214 to schedule a massage, coaching or training session. 


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