participants achieve
an average A1c
reduction of 2.45%

Diabetes Solutions offers virtual diabetes services for individuals with diabetes and pre-diabetes. The program is accredited through the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists and content and delivery is tailored to individual needs.
We provide diabetes self-management education, nutrition and support services designed to help individuals improve and thrive. Services are accessed via telephone, FaceTime or Zoom.
For more information or to begin enrollment, call 662-625-7214
HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS: Click here to download a PDF of the referral form
to use when referring patients to Diabetes Solutions.

There is usually no cost to the patient as our services are covered by many insurance companies.
If you don't have insurance or your insurance does not cover this service, we can still work with you often for little to no expense out of pocket.
Individuals diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes
• A diagnosis of diabetes
• A positive attitude ready and willing to learn
• Access to a telephone, FaceTime or Zoom

Diabetes Solutions Participant
“The diabetes program has worked wonders for me! I started with an A1C of 8.7% and now it’s 5.4%. I also lost 26 pounds. I have learned to cook and eat healthier. I especially enjoy being able to access the program from home and that I don’t have to travel.” CW, 70, female
“In just a few months my A1C went from 11.3% to 6.7%. The instructors provides suggestions for lifestyle and diet changes that are easy to stick to and the program is easily accessible by phone or computer.” AG, female, 48
“Not only did my A1c drop from 7.2 to 5.4 but my blood pressure and cholesterol improved as well. I was able to stop taking all of my medications and am saving $500 a month!”
– D.R. (46, male)
“I now know what to eat to manage my sugars and the importance
of movement. My A1c has gone from 10.7 to 6.0 and I have lost
almost 20 pounds!”
– G.B. (55, female)
“My A1c went from 8.2 to 5.0 and after 3-months my diabetes
was in remission. I also lost over 30 pounds and was able to stop
taking all of my medicine.”
– D.W. (53, male)
“My anxiety is gone. I am sleeping and have tons of energy. My A1c went from 6.9 to 5.1 and I lost over 35 pounds without even feeling like I was dieting. I feel great.”
– A.R. (56, female)
“I learned how to cook, meal prep and eat foods to calm inflammation. I lost over 10 pounds and my A1c went from 7.5 to 5.6.”
– B.A. (31, female)
"MI feel 10 years younger! My A1c is below target and I have lost almost 40 pounds." J.P. (75, male)
"By changing my diet, I reduced my triglycerides from 1,198 to 106 and my A1c from 7.7 to 5.4 in 5-months." D.M. (65, male)